Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I am in my 5th year of college and it has recently come to my attention what kind of student I am...

  • I get homework done fast and get it over with 
  • I don't stress about the little things 
  • I don't ask a million questions about each assignments 
  • I learn best from discussion and being involved with it 
  • I hate hand outs
  • I hate students who ask obvious questions or get stressed about nothing 
  • I try to have the least amount of stress possible
  • If I like what I am studying then it doesn't feel like homework
Also...my major is pretty easy. It is kinda time consuming but the assignments are painless. I have a lot of anal students in my classes and it takes daily patience not to get annoyed with their billion stupid questions. Sorry for the vent but today was just one of those days...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

I had a text conversation with someone today that went like this...

Me: I wish Romeo and Juliet didn't die in the end
Friend: They died standing up for what they believed
Me: Which is not an easy thing to do
Friend: True

From experience...standing up for what you believe in is sometimes really hard, especially if you have to let something "die." I've always thought about Romeo and Juliet about how stupid it was that their families had to fight and in the end they both died because of it. I had wished for their sake the families could have gotten along and Romeo and Juliet could have lived. But Shakespeare was on to something...it wouldn't be such a famous story that everyone talked about unless it was heartbreaking and thought-provoking. I'm glad Romeo and Juliet didn't give up on what they believed--in their case it was their love. For me...I'm glad I haven't given up what I believed either. Even though I have days where I wish I could just give up, but I know that I would never be happy in the end. If I have to die, or let something go for me to continue to stand up for what I believe, then I will. I know its not an easy thing to do....but I have faith that in the end it will all be worth it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Well another week of school has gone by, and another has started! Classes are good, roommates are wonderful and I'm still getting to know my award. I've been keeping myself busy with homework and lots of play. I've been to 2 BYU Women's Soccer games so far...I love them! They are too fun.

I've been able to spend time with the family as well...and I'm finding myself obsessed with my niece Hadley. She is just a living doll...and she loves me!

Lately I have been able to explore the part of Provo that I love....MUSIC. This place is full of awesome talent. Although I have a love/hate relationship with Provo...it's weekends like this past one where I know I love it more then hate. Friday I went to the Rooftop Concert, and ran into Bryan! I loved catching up with that girl. Then Saturday I went to an Open Mic night as someone's house, then went to another House party where my friend Mike's band played. It was a good weekend.

Saturday I also got to watch my nephew Ander play soccer. He mostly did somersaults through out the whole game then actually kicking the ball. It was a blast...and I got unburnt.

Sunday...there was a CES fireside that Elder Holland spoke at. It was wonderful. I basically love the way he talks. I mostly got from it that we have no excuse to not stand for our religion at all times and all places. Now is the time to take a stand in "Babylon" and to not run away from it.

Well there is a little update of my week/weekend...as you can see my weekends have more to tell then my weeks :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Start of New

Well I finished my first week back at BYU. I have started my new major and am loving my program! I have classes with basically the same people every day, but they are all great and in love with Special Ed like me, so it is wonderful!

I've been to my new ward twice now, and it has been good. There are about twice of many guys as girls (that's a plus), all the girls have basically been on missions (which is cool, but can be intimidating) and the Bishopric is super friendly and approachable.

I have been waiting all week to hear back for the new job I applied to. Hopefully this fall I will be working at the MTC as a teacher....just kidding! No, I will be working at the MTC but in their technology department. Kinda cool. The guy who interviewed me gave me confidence that I would most likely get the job. I emailed him this week and he said he was waiting on HR. So...hopefully I will hear from them next week!

I love my new house I'm living in. Four girls, big kitchen, one bathroom, laundry room, lots of storage, dishwasher and plenty of space to make it work! My new roommates are all about 3 years younger then me, but I love them. Probably the best group of girls I have lived with. My room roommate is Erin. She is pretty great. We have a lot in common, and have had fun together so far. We have been calling each other soul mates...so ya that should explain a lot.

This fall a lot of the Highland friends are living in Provo. It has been fun to have them around to hang out with. This first week of school I found myself a little bored...I got my homework done quick and then found myself with nothing to do. So it was nice to have some old friends around. I'm still working on getting new friends...but its hard.

I feel like this fall will be good. Once I get more in the groove of things, I think all these new things will come together and it'll be my favorite semester yet!