Saturday, December 31, 2011

Changing My Mind

My friend  asked me what my theme of 2011 was...I thought about it for a second and then it came to me:

"Changing My Mind"

Some may think that I was wishy washy this year, that I wasn't stable and my plans changed constantly. Some of that may be true, but to be honest I was trying to follow the Spirit. I'm not trying to be on a high horse or anything, because I've been truly humbled this year over and over again. I've learned to pray and wait and listen like never before in my life. Being 21 and realizing I'm not married, not close to graduating and in a weird state is scary. But I've learned that if I put my trust in the Lord, He will take care of me. To the outside world it make look ike I can't make up my mine and its true...I can't. But at the end of the day I feel right in side and that I'm heading where the Lord wants me to be. Each day I'm becoming someone that God has confidence in and can trust. Its a day at a time, but slowly I'm getting there.

I'm excited for 2012, because I feel like a lot of my decisions have been made and now I can go and follow through with them. I really hope I get into the Special Education program. I hope that my relationship with my Savior continues to grow. I hope that 2012 is not the end of the world because I still have the rest of my life to live!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Legit Christmas Miracle

Good news has come my family's way! My grandpa who was diagnosed with an incurable cancer just got the news that after two rounds of chemo that his cancer has cleared! Amazing. Because of his age chemo was rough on him and so this is great news. Things are good and prayers have been answered. Hope more Christmas miracles come to all the world this month!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Temple Square

I love going to temple square. Even tho it was freezing I still enjoyed seeing all the lights and all the people. I love Christmas season!