Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I have struggled with talents all my life.

I played piano for 8 years, but never loved it.

I sewed a hobbit costume for Halloween, but realized my friends mom mostly did the sewing.

I tried to be creative like my mom and her cards, but all I am really good at is copying her ideas.

...but alas I have found my true talent in life....

...how can you not say this picture is not pure talent?

(oh and I know most of you are wandering...yes the ball did hit the person who was taking the picture)


  1. Model status. I think I saw this same picture in a swim suit magizine. And that photographer got hit too :-)

  2. way cute picture! I am so impressed.

  3. You have another talent Stacy...writing very clever blog posts. You could even be a writer! Love, Mom
    P.S. Love the picture!
