Tuesday, October 5, 2010

rain, scarf, haircut, college and future.

The weather took a turn yesterday. Crazy rain and wind randomly during the day. I loved it. I love the rain.

I wore a scarf today. I felt it was finally time to welcome fall. So I put on my favorite scarf and got complimented from the girl at the register.

I got a haircut. Nothing no one would notice...but I notice and I love it. My hair feels healthier and my bangs complete me.

College is stressful, but I wouldn't trade where I am right now in my life for anything. I'm happy. 

I think of the future a lot. Mostly about if I'll go on a mission or not. I haven't gotten a yes or no answer, so I'm not going to loose that thought. If I do I'll put my papers in around June. So I'll at least do Winter semester.

P.S. One of the greatest people in my life is getting married to the man of her dreams...and I could not be more happy for her! Love you BRYAN ELIZABETH BROWN (soon to be McKinnon).

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