Saturday, November 13, 2010

Series of Unfortunate Events

(First sorry I didn't write yesterday Hilary...I totally spaced)

I have read all 13 books of the Series of Unfortunate Events. I loved those book. The witty humor of the writer kept me entertained.

I watched the movie last night...and even though it does not follow the book, I kinda liked it. But ya.

This blog post is not about a Series of Unfortunate Events though...its about a series of fortunate events.

I was baby sitting my nephew last night. When his parents came home I got to listen to my brother in law play the guitar. I sat there watching his fingers move and listening to the sweet sounds of the guitar and his voice and I was smiling inside. My sister is being taken care of. I could not have asked for a better person to love my sweet older sister.

Then I started to think about my brother and his wife. Oh what an amazing women my sister in law is! 3 kids under the age of 4, and she is a rock star. She is so sweet, loving and amazing mother. I am happy that my brother is taken care of. I could not have asked for a better person to love my great older brother.

They have it. They have that love that I hope to have one day. One day I'll find someone wonderful to take care of me...and we'll have a series of fortunate events together :)


  1. Oh stacey.. what a sweet post!! This meant a lot to me. I look up to you in so many ways. You are such a thoughtful, genuine, and caring person. Thank you for all that you do. Love you!

  2. Thank you for expressing your love for your brother and sister-in-law so beautifully! I could not have said it better! Love you Stacy.
