Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy, Thank You.

Last night I went to a fireside for Young Adults. I guess I'm a Young Adult now...whatever that means...I would like to be considered a Young Adult no matter how only I am. Anyways...the speaker was amazing. She was funny, spiritual and kept the whole audience awake! Way to go for her. She reminded me of a fairy god mother--but that is another story to tell. Her topic was about having Joy in the Journey. She called herself a Happifier (making people happy). She was one happy lady! She told us something that I am going to try...she said when people ask her how she is doing she responds, "Happy, Thank You." Ah I love it! So now I am going to try and do that. She said that sometimes she isn't happy, but just by saying that makes her realize that she should be happy. We have too much joy in this life to waste it on being sad. One of my favorite quotes was, "Ultimate hope, and daily grumpiness cannot coincide." So basically if we are not happy we are basically loosing Hope in the Atonement, Hope in our Father in Heaven, Hope for a better life!

I hope these little insite of hers help those who read this, just as it has helped me. Lets all try to be Happifiers.


  1. i love this. seriously, it rocks. this what i want to do when i grow up. help others be happy. i love your posts stace!

  2. being happy is great and all.. but sometimes I'm sad. And lying about it wont help. but the church is still true.

    wish I could be happy all the time.

  3. no one is happy all the time. its okay to be sad sometimes. but overall, "men are that they might have joy." thats the whole point of this life.

  4. Great stuff Stacy! Wish I'd read it before I gave my lesson on "Hope" last Sunday!!
