Monday, September 5, 2011

Then there were 3...

The story of my Freshman Year Friends...

We were all insta-friends the first week of college! Janelle was my roommate, we lived down the hall from Hilary and Ashley (roommates) and they lived across the hall from  Becca and Karissa (roommates). Together we formed an unlikely group, but one thing we all had in common was we loved to laugh and have a good time. Janelle was always put together and loved everyone. Hilary was crazy and spontaneous. Ashley was always around for a good laugh, and was a spiritual giant. Becca was musically talented, and I loved making her laugh. Karissa had an amazing voice and was always up for anything. We had some up times, and we had some down times that year. But I think that is what made us feel so close to one another.

That summer after freshman year Becca got married! We were happy, but sad to loose our friend! She lived in Canada and is now in Tenseness. We often reminisce about her, and we all miss her still!

We were down to 5.

This last November Hilary left for a mission to Argentina. I wrote a post about her leaving here.

Which left us down to 4.

But now Karissa leaves for a mission also in Argentina (not the same mission) on Wednesday! And we'll be down to 3...

It's crazy where life has in store for each of us. I am so proud of Karissa. I'm going to miss her so much. I already do. After freshman year, Karissa and I lived together our Sophomore year. I really got to know her even more! She has become one of my best friends. She is always so willing to listen, has always been herself no matter what and can pull off any outfit :) Her example of preparing and going on a mission has really been a strength to me. I'm so excited for this next adventure in her life and I know she'll be an amazing missionary!! Love you K-boss.

And to J, Bex, Ash, Hil and girls have played a huge part of who I am today. Thanks for all the memories, and I know we'll all be together again sometime in the future and laugh just as hard as we did on those crazy 2 am nights freshman year :)


  1. I love you Stace!!! :) I miss you all so freaking much!! I wish I could be there with you guys and hang out! xoxo

  2. i love this. it made me cry a little, not going to lie. also, i might steal parts of it and put it in my journal :)

  3. Man. What would I do without you girls. I love you all so much. Thank you so much Stace. You have also been a huge part of my life and I am partly who I am today because you've been in my life. I love you and 18months is gong to fly :). Love you.

  4. lovvvvvve you all so much.
    thanks for being the most amazing people.
