Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ark Music Factory

So everyone has heard about the Rebecca Black song, "Friday," and I don't like it...most people don't. But I kinda wanted to see who the producer was who thought this song would be good and embarrass this poor girl! So I found it...ARK MUSIC FACTORY.

First off...factory? They think they can "produce" talent like its a thing, and not a gift...they have all these young stars and getting them a song a music video and what not....but its awful! If these kids really have hopes and dreams to becoming famous for good reasons these producers are ruining that chance...Rebecca Black will always have the "Friday" song tagged to her...its sad.

Second of all...what is going on with the music industry? Where is real talent? Why don't artist write and produce their own music? Ark Music Factory has a really can make anyone famous with a catchy tune and a pretty face...why is the public buying it??

Goodness...this is my rant. But here enjoy some other songs produced by this wonderful record label.

I hope you did not waste your time watching these...but just caught a glimpse to realize "Friday" was just the cherry on top from Ark Music Factory. 

P.S. check out their site too:


  1. Max Andie and I watched these the other night. Crazy. So bad. Lets hope this is not the future of music.

  2. yeah, after the whole friday song my sister found them too. the songs are terrible!!! i dont know if you have seen the video called ordinary rockstar....terrible!!
