Thursday, August 18, 2011

Making a decision

So I've made a big decision in my life, and that is going on a mission. It is amazing the change I feel already since I have made this decision. I feel focused, calm and prepared. I use to have a billion fears, but each time I think of them I get a little nervous and then I get filled with peace. This next step in life will not be easy or perfect...but I know it will be worth it. I know I'll get tired, I'll want my own space away from my companion, I'll feel rejection, I'll feel discouragement, my feet will get tired, I'll have to overcome some shyness, I will have to concentrate and study the scriptures like never before, and so so much more. But when I think of this list...none of it scares me. I know the mission is the right thing. I know that it is the next step in my life. I'm excited. I wake up every morning with a smile because I know the next year and a half or so will be a time I will never regret. I use to tell my guy friends on missions, that when they are on their mission it is the only time in their life that they know that they are EXACTLY where the Lord wants them to be...amazing opportunity I have coming my way! Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo happy for you Stacy! You are very right about all of it and yet, the Lord will provide if you put your faith in Him.
